About Us

Founded in 2010, Blood Aid strives to reduce the number of deaths attributed to the paucity of blood across India. We aim to achieve or at least get somewhere close to this lofty goal by connecting patients in need of blood with donors living in their cities. Blood Aid strives to become the platform where both patients and donors can get information about people living in their vicinity who could be helped, saved through blood donation.

Every individual is a potential blood donor and a life saver, Blood Aid believes if more people realise that and join the movement to “Donate Blood, Save Lives” we would be able to save thousands of lives.

Join us, join #BloodAid and help fellow citizens. Wherever you are and whatever you do, you can always save a life !!

The Team

Meeta Maheshwari – a young doctor, who’s passionate about working in public health and spreading awareness about health.

Anoop Sasidharan – an Entrepreneur , Ideator , IT consultant and Linux Enthusiast , who’s passionate about providing a Human side to Technology.

Rahul Anand – an ex-IT consultant and now a writer & entrepreneur interested in innovative ideas and ventures, who’s passionate about working in the development/social enterprise sector.

Prasanth Parameswaran – a passionate code magician and entrepreneur who knows a bit more than bits & bytes. Loves technology and believes that internet is the single most life changing thing that can happen to anyone.

BloodAid is a purely a non commercial, social initiative aimed to help make things easier for people in need of blood donors, so that by timely intervention a life can be saved.
Please do give us your feedback about BloodAid. Do get in touch with us at contact@bloodaid.com if you have any queries or need any information regarding our project.

Success Stories

To pull together people willing to donate blood to help complete strangers out.Just shows that there still are compassionate people willing to donate their time and energy.. and bloodaid has made it easier than ever to find those people

Facebook Activity

Request Blood and request volunteers to call you
Search our current database for donors and contact them