

The availability of quality blood is a very important component of modern medicine. It cannot be created synthetically, so it must be collected from volunteer donors. Yet, many people are afraid to donate for reasons varying from worry about pain to worry about catching a disease. The reality is that donating blood is safe, as there are many precautions in place and there is no reason to fear a communicable disease.

General Instructions

Before you donate please make sure that the Blood request is genuine, by getting in touch with the institution/doctor mentioned by the requesting person & that you donate in the specific institution only (like a hospital or recognised blood bank) so that your donation is not being misused or sold.

In case you find any such fake blood seekers/ malpractioners, please report back to the site, so that we can alert the rest of our users.

Essential Pre-requisites before blood donation

  • Hb – >/=12.5 mg/dl
  • Height & Weight : > 45 kg (women) , > 55 kg in men (the weight & height criteria may vary from institution to institution)
  • BP -b/w 110/60 – 140/90
  • Pulse – 80-100 bpm regular


  • Avoid donation if treated with antibiotics, for at least 3 days after the treatment is over.
  • Asthmatics, should Avoid donation of blood till Acute attack comes back to normal.
  • Avoid blood donation for the next 1 year after receiving blood transfusion.
  • After dental surgery Avoid blood donation for a day after fillings or cleaning, and 3 days in case of root canal or removal of tooth.
  • After body piercing or got a tattooing ,Avoid for at least a year.
  • After drug abuse of any sort, Avoid blood donation for at least a year.
  • After alcohol consumption, Avoid Blood Donation for 12 hours.
  • After normal pregnancy , Avoid donating for 6 weeks after delivery.
  • After miscarriage or undergone abortion in 1st/2nd trimester, Avoid donation till complete recovery.
  • After miscarriage or undergone abortion in 3rd trimester , Avoid blood donation for the next 6 weeks.
  • After malaria , Avoid donation for 3 years after complete recovery.
  • After Tuberculosis , Avoid donation till 2 years after complete recovery.
  • After open heart surgery, Avoid donation till 3 years after the surgery.
  • After physical relation with a prostitute, Avoid blood donation for at least a year.
  • After any surgery or a serious injury, Avoid blood donation till complete recovery.
  • Anemics, Avoid blood donation till complete recovery.
  • After ailments like measles, mumps, chicken pox, Avoid blood donation till three weeks after its occurrence.


  • positive for HIV/AIDS infection
  • suffered from hepatitis after the age of 11 years or is Hepatitis B positive
  • consumed drugs intravenously, even once
  • suffering, or has suffered, from cancer
  • suffering from any blood clotting disorder, such as hemophilia, Sickle Cell disease, Thalessemia
  • suffering from any lung or liver disorder
  • involved in prostitution

A person is prohibited from blood donation for a lifetime if he is suffering, or has suffered, from any of the following diseases:

  1. Syphilis
  2. HTVL (Human T – lymphotorpic virus)
  3. Babesiosis
  4. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) – even if a family member has been detected with this disease.
  5. Colostomy
  6. Dementia
  7. Emphysema
  8. Filariasis
  9. Gout
  10. Hemochromatosis
  11. Multiple sclerosis
  12. Stroke
  13. Chagas disease

Success Stories

If there’s one account that you must follow to do some good, it is @BloodAid I donated twice in response to appeals.
@paritoshZero, Twitter

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