
BloodAid provides 100% FREE services and users are strictly advised to use the services only for the needy. Online services provided by BloodAid through any of its websites are available 24/7 until & unless any server/network issues causes downtime. Any offline support from BloodAid will be accessible only from 9 am to 5 pm (IST) that too on selected days.

BloodAid DOES NOT collect any reward including but not limited to money, gifts and return services etc. for the service provided or has not assigned any individual/group/institution to do so. BloodAid DOES NOT provide any monetary incentives for blood Donation and will never encourage the same.

BloodAid website strictly follows, and wishes to follow, rules and regulations formulated and implemented by the Honourable Government of India for the functioning of a socially significant website as well as initiative such as ours.

Donors registering with BloodAid are advised to strictly go through the ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ detailed in the BloodAid website. We would not be responsible for any matters/situations/issues arising out of these parameters being overseen and ignored by users and its registered Donors.

Users are strictly advised not to make direct calls to any registered Donor of BloodAid before 8 am and after 8 pm (Indian Standard Time) except under situations of extreme emergency.

Before contacting any BloodAid Donor over phone, for blood donation, users should make sure that they have enquired with their relatives, friends and local organizations, blood-banks and hospitals for the same.

BloodAid Society management or staff do not undertake responsibility of any sort of guarantee for the data provided by donors registering with the website. However, we follow strict auditing procedures on a monthly basis and would try to ensure that any anomalies/misrepresentations whatsoever, brought to notice would be immediately be corrected, or such data are deleted.

Donors and the general public are advised to undertake detailed check on the data provided by registered members, before deciding up on the usage of data in the website.

BloodAid / BloodAid Society would not be responsible for any situation/issue arising out of any money and/or favour demanded by the ‘social’ service that the registered Donors are expected to provide by being the registered Donors of the website. Caution is expected to be exercised by users.

Any kind of misuse/malpractice exercised by any individual/group of the internet telephony/SMS service provided by our website would be strictly prohibited, and the strictest action would be initiated against such anti-social practices, as per the prevalent IT laws in India, with our full strength and capabilities.

Success Stories

If there’s one account that you must follow to do some good, it is @BloodAid I donated twice in response to appeals.
@paritoshZero, Twitter

Facebook Activity

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